MILITARY ISSUE CAN-AM $2500 - call Charlie Brown at Superior Sleeve - 888-700-5839
250 Can-Am pieced together with NOS parts. NEVER started. The motor is NOS not NOS rebuilt. It is brand new. Enough parts to make one more (used and new)bike. NOS rear wheels, front wheels, forks w/triple clamps, no springs. A box of parts, electronics, carburators, clutch covers, wiring harnesses, cylinder, head, pistons, etc., NOS. Used parts: four motors, 250 and 175, two rolling chassis, plus other misc. parts. The NOS parts box includes: front blinker - 2 rear blinker - 4 stater pick up coil - 4 ignition coil - 1 carb - 2 gas cap - 4 handlebar switch - 2 rotary valve intake cover - 1 throttle - 1 speedo - 1 cylinder - 1 head - 1 piston - 2 clutch cover - 2 exhaust flange - 4 front brake cable - 15 throttle cable - 1 speedo cable - 5 handlebar grip - 1 other photos are available if needed.